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Nobody Is Interested In The Future |
To project the present into the future? It is a question whether this is at all possible, for who can perceive the present? The present, or this very moment, is not one point, but many. Connecting the points is not an option, as an objective place from which everything can be seen does not exist, and it would take time, and even the time passed will cause the points always and already to be blown far back and away from each other, and in a number that means check mate to all powers of imagination and computation. One could suppose that what is projected is in fact the past, a certain ‘past’, mind you, that which enjoys historical consensus in a certain milieu, and in a certain place, a certain time, the idiosyncratic past, the apocryphal past, the insane one. Something, without any doubt, that is shattered and distorted and awash with fantasies, wishful thinking, and fear. Bearing this in mind, it is hardly necessary to contend that science fiction, futurology, and prophecies allways and at the very most enlightens the future with a light that is tainted by fantasies about the past and the present; it is not the future that is presented. We therefore face a strange, undulating mirror, awash with dark places and irregularities reeling in and out of focus.
Lars Buchardt, 2011
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The Future Does Not Need Us |
At projicere nutiden ind i fremtiden? Det er et spørgsmål om dette overhovedet er muligt, for hvem kan opfatte nutiden? Nutiden, eller dette øjeblik, er ikke et punkt, men mange. At forbinde punkterne er ikke muligt, for der findes ikke et objektivt sted hvorfra alt kan ses, og det ville tage tid, og alene den forløbne tid forårssager at punkterne altid og allerede er blæst langt bagud, langt væk fra hinanden, og i et antal der sætter al forestillings- og regnekraft mat. Det kan tænkes at det der projiceres i virkeligheden er fortiden, vel at mærke en bestemt ´fortid´, den der nyder historisk konsensus i et givent miljø, et givent sted, en given tid, den idiosynkratiske fortid, den apokryffe fortid, den sindssyge. Uden nogen tvivl noget der er splintret og fortegnet, og fuld af fantasier, ønskeforestillinger og angst. Med dette in mente, er det overflødigt at hævde at science fiction og fremtidsforskning og profetier altid og allerhøjst oplyser fremtiden med et lys der er farvet af fantasier om nutid og fortid; det er ikke fremtiden der gengives. Det er derfor et mærkeligt, bølgende spejl vi står foran, fuld af mørke steder og besynderlige uregelmæssigheder sejlende ind og ud af fokus.
Interview concerning the two works in Australian art magazine, das Superpaper, 2012:
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